Certification Maintenance (CMP)
Please contact the LRID CMP Coordinator: Andrea Stermin - lrid.cmp@gmail.com for these forms.
(The following forms are for the exclusive use of RID/NAD certified and ACET members.)
NOTE: All forms must be sent to an RID CMP/ACET Approved Sponsor. Do not send them directly to the RID National Office. It is recommended that you talk with a local CMP Administrator or Sponsor before filling out these forms.
Continuing Education Activity Plan Instructor's Form
Participant Initiated Non-RID Activities (PINRA)
Participant Initiated Non-RID Activities are workshops, conferences, and other events that an RID member would like to attend, but no RID affiliated organization is sponsoring the event.
A PINRA Form Can be filled out on your computer, saved, printed, and mailed to the RID Sponsor, physical signature required. This form will be used if a CMP Participant plans to attend another organizations workshop, conference, formal in-service training or activity. Any agenda or flyer for the activity must be attached. The RID Approved Sponsor will determine if the activity is appropriate for CEUs. (Cannot be done retro-actively, and must have approved by a sponsor prior to attending)
Sign the Activity Report Form and record the Activity number for your own documentation. (Make sure you have your RID member number)
Attendance Sheet Everyone Signs
Attendance Sheet for Non-Members
Academic Coursework Activity Report
Academic Coursework Activities (ACA) are college courses taken for credit from any Council for Higher Education Accredited (CHEA) institution.
This form can be completed anytime within the same CMP cycle in which the course was taken, after receiving the grade.
ACA Form - can be filled out on your computer, saved, printed, and mailed to the RID Sponsor, physical signature required. This activity form must be submitted to the RID Approved Sponsor upon completion of the academic course. A copy of the description of the course and the Institutions transcript or grade report should be attached.
Sponsor Initiated Activity
Sponsor Initiated Activities are workshops, conferences, and other events whose CEUs are directly sponsored by an RID affiliated organization. Any organization seeking to offer RID CEUs for their event can complete and submit the form at least 45 days prior to the event to the CMP Administrator.
Workshop Evaluation Form
This form should be completed by all individuals after they have participated in an RID approved workshop.
Independent Study Plan
Independent Study Activities are projects that the member undertakes by themselves or as a small group. This is usually the most time consuming and labor intensive kind of activity. Forms MUST be completed and approved BEFORE any work is started on the project. The CMP Administrator will send you the form to sign and mail with the following sponsorship fee prior to beginning any work on the project.
Independent Study form
This is a possible Documentation Log for recording time spent on an Independent Study Plan project. Fill in the date you work on the project, the start and end times, and what specifically you worked on during that time.
CEU Discrepancies
The CMP discrepancy report form should be used when you have missing activities or incorrect CEUs on your transcript. In order to be credited for missing activities, you must submit verification of having attended the activity (i.e. certificate of attendance). Please keep in mind that it can take up to 60 days for activities to appear on your transcript.
If you have a discrepancy on your transcript, please complete the CMP Discrepancy Report Form, and return it to the national RID office at:
333 Commerce Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Fax (703) 838-0454